The United States Trade Representative (USTR) has released a supplemental list of $4 billion worth of products to be added to the proposed tariff pursuant Section 301 of the U.S. Trade Act of 1974 related to the Boeing-Airbus Subsidy Dispute before the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body. You can find the complete product list in the appendix to this notice. The list includes, among other products, several specialized food and beverage products such as cheeses, pasta, and Irish whiskey.
The public comment dates are below:
- July 24, 2019: Due date for submission of requests to appear at the public hearing and summary of testimony.
- August 5, 2019: Due date for submission of written comments.
- August 5, 2019: The Section 301 Committee will convene a public hearing in the Main Hearing Room of the U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington DC 20436 beginning at 9:30 a.m.
- August 12, 2019: Due date for submission of post-hearing rebuttal comments.
The final list will take into account the report of the WTO arbitrators and appropriate level of retaliatory tariffs as authorized by the WTO.