Government Contractors

Join us for this second webinar in our series aimed at exploring best practices in mergers & acquisitions involving government contractors. In this webinar, we will focus on national security-related issues and risks impacting transactions involving government contractors. Topics will include:

  • Due diligence risk areas, including facility and personnel clearances, supply chain security, cybersecurity, export


In a per curiam, unpublished decision in In re Fluor Intercontinental, Inc., issued on March 25, 2020, the Fourth Circuit has provided some valuable guidance concerning how companies may avoid waivers of the attorney-client privilege when making disclosures to the government after privileged internal investigations. While the decision is non-precedential even within the

On January 31, 2020, the Trump administration issued an executive order cracking down on U.S. businesses that import directly or facilitate the import of counterfeit or pirated goods, illegal narcotics and other contraband. The order, entitled “Ensuring Safe & Lawful E-Commerce for US Consumers, Business, Government Supply Chains and Intellectual Property Rights,” directs