On February 10, 2021, the CIT issued a procedural order that requires all Section 301 cases to receive notice under a master case named “In Re Section 301 Cases, CIT Ct. No. 21-cv-00052.” The decision was made in an effort to streamline the more than 3,500 lawsuits the CIT has received from importers since September of last year. Additionally, the order requires a master answer from the United States to Answer Plaintiffs’ Complaints in a general manner and defend against the pending lawsuits by March 12, 2021.
For more information on Section 301 tariffs please contact John Brew, Daniel Cannistra, Frances P. Hadfield, Brian McGrath, Walter (Sam) Boone, & Clayton Kaier or refer to our previous posts below:
Section 301 Tariffs Archives | International Trade Law (cmtradelaw.com)